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Relax, release, and rejuvenate your mind, yoni, and spirit with our Original yoni steaming blend. This yoni steaming blend was created for women who are simply looking for a way to relax and detox their wombs with the use of herbs. There are several specialty blends available in the shop for women who are looking for blends to assist in healing other common ailments. Yoni steams, also known as v-steams, are herb-infused, steam baths for the pelvic region based on ancient cleansing rituals and techniques. This yoni steam is safe to use on young women who have had their menstrual cycle for at least a year consistently through the post-menopause phase. (Please see disclaimer below).


The Yoni Love Herbals Original Yoni Steaming blend is a deeply relaxing experience that combines moderate-temperature steam and herbs to help alleviate pelvic tension, increase circulation and reduce inflammation. The combination of herbs in our Original Yoni Steaming Blend is packed with ingredients that assist in rebalancing hormonal balance, toning the uterine walls, aids in tightening the vaginal walls, relieving common symptoms experienced in PMS, reducing cramping during menstruation, relieving odor associated with menstruation, and can help to reduce the menstrual flow. There are several herbs in the blend that also help to relieve anxiety, depression, and emotional imbalance commonly experienced during the menstrual cycle. All of the Yoni Love Herbals yoni steaming blends are mixed in my Herbriary- my sacred space where I place the intention of womb healing into each batch of herbs.



  • Red Rose Petals
  • Calendula
  • Yarrow
  • Basil
  • Damiana
  • Motherwort



  • "The Mini" bag- yields 2 yoni steams worth of herb measured at 1/4 cup
  • The Medium bag- yields 4-5 steams worth of herb measured at /4 cup
  • The Large bag- yields 8 stems worth of herb measured at 1/4 cup


ONLY Stainless steel, glass, or porcelain bowls should be used when steaming. NO PLASTIC.


All yoni steams are also bathed in FULL MOON energy for 3 days and are stored with rose quartz and red jasper crystals before packing. Womb health and wellness is my passion and the entire process from the purchase of the herbs used to the packaging of each order is part of a VERY intentional process for me. My entire line of herbs is literally an ailment that I suffered with in the past, and through intent prayer, studying of the herbs and their mental, spiritual and physical benefits, and my personal experience of shrinking my fibroids and the women in my community, I decided to share the herbal blends that I have created. I have been practicing womb healing, teaching the secrets of the divine feminine and the manifestation power of the womb for the past 20 years. Yoni Love Herbals is the baby that I have "birthed" through my passion for womb health and wellness, my professional background as a certified Naturopathic Doctor and Master Herbalist, and my desire to help other women to start their womb healing journey! Welcome into This Red Tent, where Yoni Love Herbals was birthed. I am sending you loads of womb healing vibrations and divine feminine energy! <3


Herbal Products are not regulated by the Food & Drug Administration and therefore any herbal treatments, supplements, or products found on the market has not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition and the information listed is not intended to replace or substitute medical advice. Please consult your medical provider and conduct your own research with the use of herbs to help to treat any conditions you may be experiencing. YONI STEAMING SHOULD NOT BE PRACTICED BY WOMEN WHO ARE PREGNANT. Caution should be exercised for women who have an IUD as yoni steaming can cause the womb (uterus) to do small (non-painful) contractions and the IUD can be shifted if caution is not exercised. Customers who purchase our products assume full responsibility for their own health.


"ORIGINAL" Organic Yoni Steaming Blend for Vaginal Steaming

SKU: 0007
  • For years I suffered with PCOS, frequent yeast infections, and I was eventually diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. I tried using birth control for years to relieve the symptoms of PCOS, not realizing it was contributing to the cause of the frequent yeast infections. My gynecologist couldn't help me. Monistat couldn't help me. Fluconazole couldn't help me. I WAS DESPERATE FOR A SOLUTION!

    During my quest for healing, I met countless women who too suffered from the same vaginal diseases as me, and I knew something had to be done! As women, our Yoni's are too powerful and important to be ridden with dis-eases, it has the power to aid you in manifesting everything you desire in life!

    An elder came into my dreams one night with a bunch of herbs, taught me their healing properties, and gave me the recipe to heal my vaginal issues. I tried the recipe and it worked!

    Through this dream and my obsession with herbs, I mastered the herbal blends and birthed what is now known to the world as YONI LOVE HERBALS!

Don't Forget...