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Yeast infections and Bacterial Vaginosis are two of the most popular vaginal infections in women today, and can cause vaginal irritation, odor, discomfort, itchiness, and sometimes pain when urinating. If you've ever experienced either condition, I'm sure you can attest to the only thing you can think of is, "HOW CAN I GET SOME RELIEF??"

Yoni Love Herbals has developed an herbal blend created to relieve the symptoms, restore your vaginal PH balance, and relieve the irritation and odor associated with both infections. You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on over the counter solutions or suffer in silence anymore, because we've got you covered with our Yeast/ BV Relieving Yoni Steaming Collection! 


Our  Yeast/ BV Yoni Steaming Blend is a mixture of certified organic herbs. The herbs included in the Yeast/ BV Blend are: lavender, red rose petals, red clover flowers, motherwort, wormwood, rosemary, yarrow, pau d' arco, and basil.

YEAST/ BV Yoni Steaming Blend

SKU: 0005
  • For years I suffered with PCOS, frequent yeast infections, and I was eventually diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. I tried using birth control for years to relieve the symptoms of PCOS, not realizing it was contributing to the cause of the frequent yeast infections. My gynecologist couldn't help me. Monistat couldn't help me. Fluconazole couldn't help me. I WAS DESPERATE FOR A SOLUTION!

    During my quest for healing, I met countless women who too suffered from the same vaginal diseases as me, and I knew something had to be done! As women, our Yoni's are too powerful and important to be ridden with dis-eases, it has the power to aid you in manifesting everything you desire in life!

    An elder came into my dreams one night with a bunch of herbs, taught me their healing properties, and gave me the recipe to heal my vaginal issues. I tried the recipe and it worked!

    Through this dream and my obsession with herbs, I mastered the herbal blends and birthed what is now known to the world as YONI LOVE HERBALS!

Don't Forget...