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The Goddess Glam Pouch comes with several sample-sized pouches of our top-selling yoni steaming/herbal supplements to enhance your lovemaking.




  • Sample-size "King-a-Ling" herbal supplement (14 capsules)
  • Sample-size "Wap'ed" yoni steaming blend (1 steam worth of blend)
  • Sample-size "Wap'ed" herbal supplement  (14 capsules)
  • "Passions" Incense 
  • 1 Pineapple Mango Luxury Bath Bar



  1. King-a-Ling herbal supplement- this supplement is created to assist men with increasing their stamina during sex and is best used as a daily supplement. This supplement also assists with blood purification and increasing the circulation of blood to all extremities.
  2. Wap'ed yoni steaming blend- this yoni steaming blend was created to assist with increasing your vaginal moisture and to assist with balancing your PH. Oftentimes, lack of vaginal moisture is a result of hormonal imbalances and therefore can be regulated through balancing the hormones and increased with vaginal steaming.
  3. Wap'ed herbal supplement- this herb is created to assist with increasing vaginal moisture using a blend of certified organic herbs that should be taken 2-3 days prior to intimacy as a daily supplement.

Lovers Glam Pouch


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